Alcohol & Drug Addiction
Do you find yourself making promises to yourself or your significant other about your drug or alcohol use? Perhaps you’ve heard yourself say, “Just one more” or told a loved one “I promise I won’t do that again,” but it’s never enough.
Do I Have an Alcohol Problem?
Do you find yourself making promises to yourself or your significant other about your drinking? Perhaps, you’ve heard yourself say, “Just one more drink” or told a loved one “I promise I won’t drink that much again,” but it’s never enough.
Maybe you can go for long periods of time without drinking and think, “I’m not an alcoholic. I can stop anytime.” Yet somehow you find yourself coming out of another weekend binge where you don’t remember much and someone close to you is upset and worried.
See if any of these questions ring true:
Have you ever felt you should cut down on your drinking?
Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking?
Have you ever felt bad or guilty about your drinking?
Have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hangover?
*Adapted from the CAGE assessment method, Ewing 1984
If you answered “Yes” to two or more of the above, I encourage you to ask more questions and learn about what has been going on for you by contacting me. I can help you sort through the next steps and regain control of your life.
Do I Have a Problem with Another Substance?
Perhaps for you it’s cocaine, marijuana, methamphetamines, or prescription pills, and you think a lot about the next time you can use. You can’t wait to get off work or done with classes so you can get high and forget the day you just had or get the relaxation you “deserve.” However, you’re seeing problems at work or school like showing up late or missing classes, and you’re facing consequences with bosses, teachers, or even the law.
Some people start to realize they have a drug problem when they get caught stealing. Maybe you were stealing things in the pharmacy, or maybe you were stealing things to sell for money to buy drugs. People might be thinking that you have a problem with stealing, and there is a part of you that would rather have them believe that than know the embarrassing truth.
"Addictions are never satisfied and always want to escalate."
It’s time to stop trying to control this problem on your own. It’s time to seek the support and tools of an expert. Please contact me, and we can talk about taking the first step to break out of this cycle