
Kicking Off 2021 with the Breaking Stigma in Stride 5k

One of the things I’ve really enjoyed about the pandemic (I know, call me crazy for even suggesting there is something good in it) is that I’ve been able to spend more time with my spouse. I’m seeing clients virtually from my home office, so I get to see my wife in between sessions and without a commute.

We’ve really enjoyed working out together during the pandemic, first virtually with our personal trainer Andrea Tagalog and more recently through running. We don’t go very far or very fast, but the simple act of lacing up and jogging around the block a few times a week has become a welcome part of our routine.

Chris has pursued running pretty seriously the past few years. You can read about her journey with running and mental health here and here. I think she would agree that running has taken on new meaning now that it’s something we do together.

On January 1, 2021, Chris and I drove to the beach walk in Carlsbad to run the virtual Breaking Stigma in Stride 5k. The event was organized by Still I Run, a nonprofit community of runners for mental health, and sponsored by Altra Running, our favorite running shoe company.


We ran 3.1 miles along the coast, completing my first 5k ever. In the process, we joined runners from all 50 states in raising more than $30,000 for Still I Run! The organization is using the money to raise awareness about mental health, fund running scholarships for new runners, and create community support for people with mental illness.

What’s next for us as runners? After the pandemic is over, I would love to do more virtual 5ks with Still I Run, but open them up to Integrity Counseling Group as a whole. In the meantime, we are training for the Vista Strawberry Run 10k in May and hoping that the virus will be under control enough to go forward with the event.

If you’re struggling with depression, anxiety, or another mental health challenge, we definitely recommend checking out Still I Run and its private Facebook group, which is a great place to find online support. Together we can beat the stigma of mental illness!

For help overcoming mental illness, including depression, anxiety, or addiction, please visit my group practice’s website at